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Active Learning Center

Exploring English

Welcome to our new resource hub for all things active learning in English! Here you'll find best practices from our student engagement pros, on-demand webinars, blogs and much more.

On Demand - iClicker & Achieve: Active Learning in the English Classroom

Proven to increase student performance and engage students both inside and outside of class, Achieve is designed for students of all levels. Join us for a tour of the Achieve environment and learn ways you can use iClicker and Achieve in your English classroom.

On Demand - Using iClicker in Small Classes

This on-demand webinar explores both how iClicker can be effectively used in small classes, as well as the unique challenges that active learning techniques in a smaller group can present.

On Demand - Active Learning in Developmental English

Studies show that engaging students through activities and collaboration is more effective than traditional lecturing. This webinar tailors strategies, ideas and best practices for the English classroom.

On Demand - Active Learning in English Composition & Literature

Led by Blake Westerlund, Assistant Professor of English, this webinar shares key strategies, ideas and best practices as they relate to the Comp & Lit classroom.

On Demand - Roll Call: Taking Attendance to Improve Course Outcomes

In this webinar, the Learning Science & Insights team discuss the learning science behind the benefits of taking class attendance and share experimental research conducted with partner institutions.

On Demand - Maximizing the Impact of Student Engagement Solutions

This on-demand webinar includes a review of the motivations for using clickers, and practical guidelines for success, including writing effective questions and facilitating student discussion.

On Demand - Assessment Strategies for Deeper Learning

Enhance the level of learning in your classroom with this on-demand webinar led by Cindy Albert, with tips for creating question prompts and crafting follow-up questions for deeper learning.

On Demand - Building A Game-Based Learning Experience

This on-demand webinar discusses the theories behind game-based learning and the possible outcomes, as well as ways to design and scale an iClicker-based game that fits your course needs.

On Demand - The Mobile Conundrum: Pros and Cons of Technology in the Classroom

Consider the pros and cons of going mobile in the classrooom in this on-demand webinar. Three longtime faculty users, each with a different perspective, speak to the challenge.

iClicker Learning Science & Insights

Building on results from 2017 with empirical insights from extensive data analytics and Impact Research, this infographic highlights our 2019 iClicker educational results, provided by the Macmillan Learning Learning Science & Insights Team.

Combine the best in active learning with the best in content. With LaunchPad Solo for Readers & Writers, Macmillan Learning textbooks come alive with ready-to-go iClicker questions and instruction on critical reading, the writing process, grammar/mechanics, style, and punctuation based on each student’s unique needs. Explore our text and homework options from Macmillan, and package any option with iClicker for free!

iClicker's ease of use makes it a faculty favorite in higher education.   

Engage students before, during,
and after class

Just like fingerprints and snowflakes, no two courses are exactly alike. You use teaching strategies that best speak to your students' learning strengths promoting engaged and active learning during class time, assessment, homework, and even lab work. Macmillan Learning has a suite of solutions to empower you to teach your way.

Increase Student Confidence & End-of-Course Grades

Our Learning Science & Insights team's research shows that when iClicker is used in a classroom, student engagement doubles, student confidence increases & students achieve higher final course grades.

Keep Student Understanding at the Forefront with Real-Time In-Class Check-Ins

iClicker’s immediate feedback from polling questions lets the instructor know if students are getting it and provides a study guide for students to review after class for those that need more practice/review.

Know Students Are Present

It's proven that if students attend class, they perform better, stay in school longer, and retention metrics stay up or improve. In some cases, if retention numbers are not maintained, it results in loss of funding. While it's important to make sure students are in class, manually taking attendance is a pain and you just don’t have time. With iClicker’s attendance feature you can set-it-and-forget-it.