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Research-backed Strategies for Implementing Active Learning for Better Student Engagement

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Research-backed Strategies for Implementing Active Learning for Better Student Engagement | Dr. Kara McWilliams

It's a fact that student confidence and their end of course grades increase when iClicker is used in the classroom- results from our experimental research study proved it! Now, new research conducted by our Learning Science & Insights team builds on those findings and shows that both instructors new to active learning and those who have implemented it before can easily introduce engaging strategies in their courses with the use of our next generation platform, Achieve and iClicker - and that these strategies boost course grades! The study also shows that implementing active learning influences student engagement and their perception of their course. Join Dr. Kara McWilliams, Vice President of Impact Research, as she presents the latest study on active learning and shares proven tips for increasing student engagement and supporting student success.