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Questions that Create Connections: Fostering Deep Learning in Person and Online with Polling & Quizzing

Questions that Create Connections: Fostering Deep Learning in Person and Online with Polling & Quizzing | Mandy Shaffer

Whether online, in-person or any imaginable combination of the two, student engagement matters now more than ever. In this webinar, participants will learn how to get started quickly using polling and asynchronous quizzes to facilitate active learning, gather timely student feedback, and create connections whether class is online or in person. At the completion of the webinar, participants will be able to:

  • communicate how different question types can facilitate multimodal learning
  • utilize low-stakes quizzing to 'flip' your class - virtually or face-to-face
  • understand how to create 'on-the-fly' poll questions that maximize in-the-moment learning opportunities
  • gain free trial access to a polling and quizzing solution

About Mandy Shaffer

Mandy Shaffer has over 17 years of experience in education with a focus on student success, engagement, and technology. She is the Director of Institutional Initiatives at Macmillan Learning. Mandy holds a Bachelors in Sociology and a Masters in Elementary Education from The Ohio State University. After teaching in the classroom, she turned her passion for teaching and learning to writing and editing textbooks, developing educational technologies, presenting and training on pedagogy/technology/retention platforms, and consulting with institutions on retention, student success, and engagement. An Ohio native, Mandy now calls Orlando, Florida home.

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