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Closing the Loop: Using iClicker & LaunchPad for Success In & Out of Class | Mark Laumakis

How can we nudge students to do the things that we know will help them learn? How can we close the loop between what students are doing in class with what they are doing (or NOT doing) outside of class?

Mark Laumakis, who has taught close to 30,000 Introductory Psychology students during his almost 20-year teaching career at San Diego State University, offers his thoughts about these questions. His approach to promoting student success in PSY 101 emphasizes the use of iClicker during class and the strategic use of LearningCurve quizzes in LaunchPad for homework. During this webinar, he will describe not only WHAT he does but also WHY he does what he does to help his students succeed in the course. He will offer practical tips and suggestions that you can incorporate into your own course, as well as data regarding the efficacy of tools like iClicker and LearningCurve quizzes. Join us for a webinar in which you'll hear ideas for engaging students and enhancing learning -- both INSIDE and OUTSIDE the classroom!

About Mark Laumakis

Dr. Mark Laumakis teaches 500-student sections of Introductory Psychology at San Diego State University, where he is also Faculty in Residence in Instructional Technology Services. He makes extensive use of iClicker in the face-to-face class meetings of his hybrid PSY 101 course. He conducts live online class meetings via Zoom. Mark also teaches a fully online version of PSY 101 each summer at SDSU.

Mark received his Ph.D. in clinical psychology from the University of Southern California but found his true passion as a teacher and avid user of educational technology. He emphasizes the use of technological tools that both solve pedagogical problems and help students learn. He is particularly interested in leveraging technology in ways to support student learning that are consistent with research on how people learn, including research about retrieval practice, distributed practice, elaboration, and the use of concrete examples.

Mark's approach to teaching large numbers of students, combining traditional and technology-driven strategies, earned him an SDSU Top 25 Award, given to those who have made transformational contributions to the university's mission.

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