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Solina Lindahl

Has taught for 23 years and has been an iClicker customer since 2004.


Students engaged in Solina Lindahl's active learning classroom since she started using iClicker.

Products Used

Instructor Software: iClicker Cloud
Student Devices Allowed: iClicker+, iClicker 2, iClicker Reef

See all iClicker Products

Don't Hold Back: Educating Well is a Complex Endeavor

We asked Senior Lecturer Solina Lindahl a few questions about why, what, and how she does what she does for her students on a daily basis. Here is what she had to say:

What is the most fulfilling aspect of teaching for you?

"The most fulfilling aspects of teaching for me are connecting with students, and the creativity of crafting a contextual narrative around the big ideas in economics. It's also fun to figure out new ways to explain things."

What drew you to seek a student engagement solution in your course?

"Large class sizes."

Tools used in Solina Lindahl's active learning classroom:

Instructor Software

For her instuctor software, Solina Lindahl uses iClicker Cloud. This is iClicker's advanced classroom engagement solution, built to track attendance using GPS technology, ask heat map questions, administer quizzes, and analyze student performance using a web browser. Students can participate using mobile devices, laptops, and iClicker remotes.

Student Response Option(s)

Solina Lindahl's students have the option to use iClicker Reef, iClicker's mobile or web-based application, or our physical remotes. As a cheaper alternative to traditional remotes, iClicker Reef gives students access to polling and study tools on a device they are already using.

Compare Instructor & Student Product Options

Solina Pairs Active Learning with Great Resources

Sapling (also known as Sapling Learning) is our best known and most frequently used product. Sapling includes a variety of questions, typically used for homework, with wrong-answer feedback, hints, and solutions. Sapling users have access to a full gradebook and a Client Success Specialist for full support. SaplingPlus includes all of the above as noted in Sapling, pre-class assessment tools (such as LearningCurve adaptive quizzing), a full ebook, and additional teaching and learning resources.

Increase your students' confidence by providing a place where they can read, study, practice, complete homework, and more. With LaunchPad, instructors and students always get superior service and support, based around Macmillan’s legendary high quality content.

How have students responded to the use of iClicker, what is the biggest challenge iClicker solves for you, and were there any unexpected results from the use of iClicker in your course?

"My students have responded very well generally. They really like seeing what the entire class has answered. The biggest challenges iClicker has solved are student engagement and the need for lecture breaks. And unexpected results? The real benefits of peer instruction."

Have you used or considered other similar student response systems? What made you decide to select iClicker over other options?

"Yes—I have used TopHat, Socrative, and Learning Catalytics. The low cost, good service and low time investment of iClicker are what brought me back."

WEBINAR: Active Learning Pathways

This webinar, presented by Solina Lindahl, addresses a variety of ways to incorporate active learning strategies both inside and outside of the classroom. From getting your students to attend class, to engaging them while they are there and assessing student understanding, this webinar is sure to have something for anyone interested in strategies and tools to impact student success.

Tips & Best Practices
from Senior Lecturer Solina Lindahl 

How (and Why?) Would You Start Team-Based Learning?

What is Team-Based Learning (TBL) and why is it emerging as a proven model for improving student success? In this engaging video, Solina Lindahl discusses her experience using the TBL model in her recent principles courses, why it works, how it addresses engagement issues, and why it isn't as hard to make the switch as you might fear.

Data Driven Reasons to Try Active Learning

Did you know 100% of instructors believe iClicker increases active learning in the classroom? Or that 86% of students report that iClicker increases their confidence to participate in class? For more stats on the positive impact iClicker is having in active learning classrooms, check out this handy infographic of the results of Macmillan's Learning Science & Insights Team's research study.

What are some key concepts in the course you teach that are more easily mastered as a result of iClicker-based activities and how have you seen a measurable difference in performance?

"Practicing interpreting graphs."

How does iClicker save you time?

"I can give instant feedback with no papers!"

What is your favorite iClicker feature?

"It's foolproof... and I LOVE demographics questions."

  • Created by educators, for educators

    iClicker was developed by educators to solve specific learning challenges. We asked our founders from the University of Illinois how iClicker got its start, and the problems it continues to solve.

  • Capture student attendance

    Using a variety of geolocation-based technologies, iClicker Cloud quickly and reliably tells you who is attending class, and who isn’t.

  • Powered by why

    We believe in giving all students a voice and that all classrooms should feel small. This is one piece of a larger vision for engaged, active learning that drives us here at iClicker. What's your why... and how can we help you attain it?