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Creating a Faculty Learning Community to Support Active Learning

Join Grace Tuttle for a 30-minute webinar on creating a faculty learning community (FLC) at your institution to support active learning. During the webinar she will discuss the purpose of creating an FLC and what you should hope to accomplish from it.


About Grace Tuttle

Grace Tuttle joined Learning Technology Solutions at Boise State University in January of 2016. She has served in the United States Air Force, Idaho State Legislature, Whitworth University and Idaho Division of Vocational Rehabilitation. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Management Computer Information Systems from Park University, Masters of Public Administration from University of Oklahoma, and Education Specialist, Adult Organizational Learning and Leadership from University of Idaho. She is a doctoral student in Instructional Design and Technology at Idaho State University. She teaches EDTECH 202 and is a mentor at the First Forward Success Program at Boise State University.

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